

When Russian president ordered his country's nuclear forces to be put on standby in February, it prompted fears the world was closer to nuclear war than had benn in decades. And then, a gloup of Japanese students held an online event to discuss the urgent need for the world to move toward nuclear abolition. Around 30 students from high schools and universities across Japan who was given the role of a state delegate or NGO representative, took part in the event, which was a mock conference of the parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

Many students expressed their desire to abolish nuclear weapons, but one student representing China said, "China possesses nuclear weapons for self-defense, but in the current situation of the international community, nuclear weapons are used. I'm not going to abolish it. "



I thought it was necessary to appeal to the world about the horror of nuclear weapons because Japan is a country that has been bombed.

Apart from that, in Japan, there are few opportunities for such discussions among students, so I think that if such opportunities increase, it will become a better nation.



standby 待機する  decades 数十年  Amid 真ん中  abolition廃止 

survivor 生存者  constructive 建設的  mock 模擬  conference 会議 

delegate 委任  representative 代表  proposals 提案  contrasting 対照的な 

geopolitical 地政学的  deterrence 欲力  abolish 廃止する



Russian forces aerial attacks is increacing in Ukraine civilian aeras. 

And they struck the main television tower in the capital , and because of this five people were killed.

At the same time, they continue to attack to second big city Kharkiv.

Some Ukranians fear troops from Russia's ally, Belarus, will join in the fight. But, Belarusian President denied the fact and allegarions that Russian troops are using Belarus as a staging ground.

The Belarusian President expects to finish this fight, but Russian Defense Misnister said troops will continue the operation until they achieve thie goals.


I want everyone not just Ukrainians to laugh, so I hope the war is end. This article's content is the hottest topic around the world, and we must think how we become happy.


List of Vocabularies 

aerial ―― 空中

assault ―― 急襲

defence ―― 防衛

invasion ―― 侵入

momentum ―― 勢い

convoy ―― 車両縦隊

armored ―― 装甲の 

artillery ―― 大砲

troops ―― 軍隊

allegations ―― 申し立て


オオカミとハウスドッグ(The Wolf & House Dogs)



















English Summery- You know it’s cold when Winter Olympians are freezing -




More than 15 years after first stepping on snowboards, Hailey Langland, who used hand and toe warmers on the first official day of the second Olympics, said,''It's life-changing.''

The first official day of the second Olympics is Saturday, as multiple ungloved fingers and hands take less than a minute to lose sensation, and warm air escapes from the best-fitting KN95 and N95 masks.

It was so cold and windy that the lashes and eyebrows appeared almost instantly.

Wind can be a complex factor throughout multiple sporting competitions held in the mountainous regions of China, and some sports had to be interrupted due to the wffects of the wind.

When the wind swirls like Saturday, aquick decision is needed as it can obviously cause some really bad results during the competition. Also, because the cold deprives the body of energy, relaxing the athlete's core temperature is important in all therr endurnce sports and is very important for good performance.





今回はある英語の記事Thailand allows visitors back to beach made famous by Leonardo DiCaprio film | Easy Reading | ニュースで英語を学べる The Japan Times Alpha オンラインの翻訳に挑戦してみました。









「サメが戻ってきて、サンゴ礁は再び育ち、水もまたきれいになったから。」、とYuthasak Supasornというタイの政府の観光庁は言いました。



